Book Review – ‘The Royal Lover’s Guide to London’ by Angela Youngman

What a fascinating read! This is the third of these London city guides that I’ve got – I’ve also got ‘The Architecture Lover’s Guide to London’ and ‘The Book Lover’s Guide to London’, and I’ve loved all of them! They’re full of little facts and gems of places that you might otherwise miss wandering the city.

This one in particular doesn’t just give you places like the palaces and political centres, but restaurants, entertainments, and shopping venues favoured and patronised by the royal family, including Elizabeth II, Charles III, Queen Camilla, the Prince and Princess and Wales, the Princess Royal, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Each place has a description of it, the royal link, opening times, and the nearest underground station.

It’s very well-written and engaging, though a few small errors and inconsistencies. For example, Elizabeth II is sometimes Elizabeth and sometimes Elisabeth. Charles is sometimes Prince of Wales and sometimes king, though I think it was being edited during the period of Elizabeth II’s death and Charles III’s accession which would explain it. It is said that Anne Boleyn entered the Tower of London before her execution through traitor’s gate, where she actually entered through the Byward Tower gate. It is also said that George II bought Buckingham Palace for his wife, Queen Charlotte, but that was George III.

A few inconsistences aside, it is an incredibly interesting book and a great guide to some of the royal links throughout London, both past and present. A great little read to carry with you on a trip, or to read in a cosy armchair at home.

Buy here –

My published piece on royal succession


An early-20th-century painting of Anne Boleyn, depicting her deer hunting with the King.
An early-20th-century painting of Anne Boleyn, depicting her deer hunting with the King.

Duke & Duchess of Cambridge
Duke & Duchess of Cambridge

My published piece on royal succession

Just to publish a link to something I’ve had published via my university at which looks at present issues from a historical perspective.

I’ve written on royal succession, comparing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.

And, yes, before anyone points it out, I do realise that there is a mistake with Queen Victoria being the only queen since Elizabeth. I did remember about Mary II and Anne, but I meant to type ‘overly successful female monarch’, but missed it during the final check. Oops!